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Cancer Rehabilitation

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The John A. DeQuattro Cancer Center has received a three year accreditation for meeting quality care standards and maintaining levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient care.

In order to minimize the negative long-term effects of cancer and cancer treatments, ECHN offers cancer-specific rehabilitation services. Our team of licensed rehabilitation experts have specialized training to help patients affected by:

  • Axillary web syndrome
  • Decrease in endurance and strength
  • Decreased independence in activities of daily living (ADL)
  • Fatigue
  • Lymphedema
  • Mobility deficits
  • Pain and sensitivity

Breast Cancer Rehabilitation and Lymphedema Therapy

Any cancer that requires surgical lymph node removal puts patients at a lifelong risk for lymphedema – a swelling of the limbs. ECHN’s lymphedema prevention and treatment program is a proven decongestive therapy specifically for this unique condition.

After lymph node surgery with or without follow-up radiation and/or chemotherapy treatments, there is a lifelong risk of developing lymphedema. Our team of certified Lymphedema Therapists supports patients prior to surgery, following surgery and leading into any necessary follow-up treatments and even post- treatment. They are trained to provide education and a customized Complete Decongestive Therapy Plan, comprised of manual lymph
drainage, compression therapy, exercise and skin care.

Breast Cancer Rehabilitation and Lymphedema Treatment includes:

  • Individualized exercise programs for each patient
  • Manual therapy to reduce pain, scar tissue, and fibrosis to restore range of motion, strength, and function
  • Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) including manual lymph drainage (MLD), compression garments, multilayer short stretch compression bandaging, skin care, therapeutic exercises, and education in a home program.

Prior to surgery, our therapists can develop an individualized exercise program to help reduce any loss of motion, strength and function of the upper extremities following surgery and help with future radiation treatment. This includes:

  • Lymphedema prevention
  • Baseline measurements of arm volume
  • Home exercise program comprised of gentle stretching

Following surgery and through necessary follow-up radiation and/or chemotherapy, our therapists can provide additional education and individualized exercise programs to help patients achieve normal ranges of motion and function. This includes:

  • Axillary Web Syndrome (cording)
  • Bone health education
  • Gentle scar mobilization / skin care education
  • Home exercise program to help maintain a normal range of motion in the upper extremities and avoid or prevent shoulder dysfunction
  • Motivational support to help with ADL and IADL skills

Post Radiation / Chemotherapy:

  • Fibrosis Management
  • Transition back to a pre-treatment level of function
  • Fatigue management
  • Chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy
  • Reconditioning - Fit for the Journey Program

Fit for the Journey Exercise Program

The cancer journey is a long and difficult one, and it can be made worse by fatigue and inactivity. People want to be more active, but it is just so overwhelming with everything they are going through. Fit for the Journey (FFTJ) is designed to help get people moving again!

According to the American Cancer Society, “studies of people with breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers suggest that physically active cancer survivors have a lower risk of cancer recurrence and improved survival compared with those who are inactive.”

Maintaining or restoring fitness levels is an important part of recovery. Through education and guidance, the Fit for the Journey Exercise Program can help you:

  • Help control symptoms
  • Improved physical function
  • Reduction of muscle or bone loss
  • Less fatigue
  • An increased appetite
  • An enhanced quality of life
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Lessens feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Promotion of psychological well-being
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Gaining of new friends

Individually designed exercise programs in small group sessions, including strength/ weight training, cardiovascular exercises and balance or flexibility exercises. 

For current or past cancer patients

Tuesdays and Thursdays
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Manchester Memorial Hospital
(Check in at the front desk)

Initial assessment by appointment!
Please call Mary Pesce, Cancer Exercise Training Specialist,
at 860.647.6485, prompt #2, or email mpesce@echn.org