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Radiation Treatment and State-of-the-Art Equipment

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The John A. DeQuattro Cancer Center has received a three year accreditation for meeting quality care standards and maintaining levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient care.

The John A. DeQuattro Cancer Center uses the Varian Linear Accelerator with three-dimensional Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) to perform more targeted and precise radiation therapy treatments to the area of the body containing the cancer. The linear accelerator also has Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT), which allows our team of experts to localize, visualize and verify treatment fields on a daily basis, improving the quality and accuracy of your cancer treatment.

Features and capabilities of the Varian Linear Accelerator include:


Brachytherapy is a high-tech procedure in which tiny radioactive “seeds” are implanted directly into the body, destroying cancerous tissue while having as little impact as possible on healthy tissue. Brachytherapy is currently used to treat prostate, breast and gynecologic cancers, with treatment of other site-specific cancers on the horizon.

Cone-beam CT

The Cone-beam CT based imaging (3-D imaging) and repositioning capability augments the image guidance toolkit already available with the On-Board Imager device. Each of these imaging modes offers doctors different kinds of information about the tumor to be treated and facilitates automated patient positioning just prior to treatment.

On-Board Imager (OBI)

OBI maximizes confidence in tumor targeting and makes dynamic targeting IGRT more efficient and convenient. The OBI kV imaging system delivers improved tumor targeting using high resolution, low dose digital imaging in the treatment room.

Rapid Arc™ radiotherapy technology

The new Rapid Arc™ treatment is two to eight times faster than conventional forms of
radiotherapy. This precision can make a significant difference in the patient’s outcome. This IMRT treatment, which takes about 90 seconds, is delivered significantly faster than other regional facilities where treatment time can last 20 minutes or longer. Reducing this time means treatment can be delivered before the patient becomes uncomfortable and could potentially move.